Saturday, May 21, 2005


So, I was trying to decide what my next rant was going to be about. Maybe the narrow margin by which the Liberals kept their power? Maybe Star Wars and the story everyone is covering about how close it is to the current political climate in the United States? There were so many possibilities.

And then I turned on CBC Newsworld and this fell into my lap. I say again: What. The. Fuck. This story was ridiculous when the Canadian media was beating it to death. And apparently it warrants coverage by CNN as well, which only makes it that more ridiculous.

Now, CNN covering this story on its own is not enough to warrant my annoyance. Really, I don't care; it's actually nice to see the US media looking outward for a nanosecond, rather than focusing only on what's going on in Jesusland.

HOWEVER. This story is ridiculous. Could it be any more condescending?

"This week, Stronach made a move that shocked the normally staid world of Canadian politics." Canadian politics is staid? Last time I checked, we actually had activity here, rather than just going through the motions of handing power back and forth between identical parties both with the same exact agenda. I know I've said that the Liberals and Conservatives were basically the same, but we have like, other parties besides them.

And fuck, while we're at it, I don't remember the last time there was a chance of the American government falling and having to have an election in the middle of a term of office.

And of course, no story about Belinda fucking Stronach would be complete without this little gem: "'At the center of this drama is a very, very personal matter, which is her relationship with Peter MacKay,' Margaret Wente of the Globe and Mail said. 'And she dumped him. She dumped the party and she dumped him simultaneously.'"

Once again: "MacKay was surprised by her move. 'I just didn't see it coming,' he said."

I don't even know what to say. I want to have some sort of witty retort to this blatant bit of ridiculousness, but the words just won't come. Is this how far we've fallen? I don't expect the American media to cover Canadian bits of news; it's well known and joked about in Canada how we're the mouse to the US's elephant. But come on, people. If you have to say something about Canada in the news, at least say something newsworthy!

Oh, wait. I forgot, I was dealing with CNN. Silly me.

And then the kicker, the absolute kicker of the story is right at the end:

"Canada has been moving away from the United States on policies. Like same-sex marriage. And marijuana. And Iraq.

But Canada's politics are beginning to look more and more American."

Eh? This doesn't even make sense. How? How does any of this even relate to the United States? I can't recall something like this happening in the United States any time recently - or in the past, come to think of it.

Why do they feel the need to add this little "witty" quip at the end that brings it all together. That says, "Yes, this story was stupid and not really relevant to your life, however look how much those pleasant little Canucks are just like us." ?

We're NOT like you. GET THE PICTURE. We're NEVER going to be like you. Hell, most of us don't even LIKE you, except for Alberta, and I'm starting to wonder if they're even Canadian at all. I'm from the United States and I'm more Canadian than most Albertans. (Except for you people in Edmonton. We love you.)

So, memo to CNN and all you other American "media" outlets: If you're going to run completely irrelevant stories from other countries, at least stop trying to pretend that these other countries deep down are becoming like the United States. We're not. We're not going to, and maybe at some point Canada and the US were a lot alike, but as you turn down the path to Christian fundamentalism, rampant, unbridled nationalism and hardcore right wing policies, you're just going to see Canada look less and less like the United States. Actually, we may start to do things just make sure you realise we're nothing like you. Like maybe, legalise prostitution. *gasp*

So, in summary:

Things I have learned today:
1) Irrelevant, stupid stories will continue to be shown on CNN.
2) CNN is under the impression that Canadian politics are becoming "American;" an accusation that is completely unfounded. Also, they feel the need to be condescending about things that don't happen in Jesusland.
3) Canada should legalise prostitution.



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